
Do Voters Respond to the Economy or to News Reporting on the Economy? (with Mark Kayser) (Journal of Politics, Forthcoming) (data and replication code)
Do Voters Know Enough to Punish Out-of-Step Congressional Candidates? (with Brandon Marshall) (Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2022) (online appendix) (data and replication code)
Estimating the Locations of Voters, Politicians, Policy Outcomes, and Status Quos on a Common Scale (with James Battista and Jesse Richman) (Political Science Research Methods, 2022) (online appendix) (data and replication code)
Large Scale Ideal Point Estimation (Political Analysis, 2022) (online appendix) (data and replication code) (r package)
Does the Media Cover the Economy Accurately? An Analysis of Sixteen Developed Democracies (with Mark Kayser) (Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2021) (online appendix) (data and replication code)
Benchmarking Across Border: An Update and Response (with Mark Kayser) (British Journal of Political Science, 2021) (data and replication code)
How May Seats in Congress is Control of Restricting Worth? (with Yangzi Zhao) (Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2020) (online appendix) (data and replication code)
Measuring the Research Productivity of Political Science Departments using Google Scholar (PS: Political Science and Politics, 2019)
Dynamic Estimation of Ideal Points for the U.S. Congress (with Brandon Marshall) (Public Choice, 2018) (data)
Request Fulfilling: When Citizens Ask for Clientelist Benefits (with Simeon Nichter) (Comparative Political Studies, 2017) (online appendix)
Targeting Political Advertising on Television (with Mitchell Lovett) (Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2015) (online appendix) (data and replication code)
Preference Domains and the Monotonicity of Condorcet Extensions (with P.J. Healy) (Economic Letters, 2015)
Estimating Proposal and Status Quo Locations Using Voting and Cosponsorship Data (Journal of Politics, 2013) (online appendix) (data and replication code)
Candidate Positioning and Responsiveness to Constituent Opinion in the U.S. House of Representatives (Public Choice, 2013)
Common Space Ideal Points, Committee Assignments, and Financial Interests in the State Legislatures (with James Battista and Jesse Richman) (State Politics and Policy Quarterly, 2013) (data and codebook)
Benchmarking across Borders: Electoral Accountability and the Necessity of Comparison (with Mark Kayser) (American Political Science Review, 2012) (online appendix) (data and replication code)
Identification of a Semiparametric Item Response Model (Psychometrika, 2012) (online appendix)
Marketing and Politics: Models, Behavior, and Policy Implications (with Kevin Arceneaux, Brett Gordon, Mitchell Lovett, Sridhar Moorthy, Akshay Rao, Subrata Sen, Ron Shachar, David Soberman, and Oleg Urminsky) (Marketing Letters, 2012)
Securing the Base: Electoral Competition under Variable Turnout (Public Choice, 2011) (online appendix)
Correcting for Survey Nonresponse Using Variable Response Propensity (Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2010)
Identification and Semiparametric Estimation of Equilibrium Models of Local Jurisdictions (with Dennis Epple and Holger Sieg) (American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2010) (data and replication code)
Scaling the Critics: Uncovering Latent Dimensions of Movie Criticism with An Item Response Approach (with Arthur Spirling) (Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2010)
The Spatial Model with Non-Policy Factors: A Theory of Policy-Motivated Candidates (Social Choice and Welfare, 2010)
Small Chamber Ideal Point Estimation (Political Analysis, 2009)
Optimal Supermajority Requirements in a Two-Party System (Journal of Politics, 2009) (online appendix)
Strategic Voting in Multi-Office Elections (Legislative Studies Quarterly, 2008)
Selecting the Condorcet Winner: Single-Stage vs. Multi-Stage Voting Rules (Public Choice, 2008)

Working Papers
Do Public Perceptions of the Economy Track the National Economy?
Estimating the Persuasive Effects of Advertising in Presidential Primary Elections (with Robert Bird)
Policy Representation in the State Legislatures (with James Battista and Jesse Richman)
Estimating Effect Sizes in Survey Experiments
Candidate Positioning in U.S. Senate Elections: An Empirical Investigation of the Revised Spatial Model